DI-1162/DI-1162M Remote Access Router
The items are described as follows:
♦Backup State – Choose among Answer, Dial on Demand, Always Connect, or Disable.
◊Answer Select this to accept phone calls.
◊Dial on Demand This initiates phone calls to make a connection.
◊Always Connect When this is selected, the primary line will never have a chance to be activated again.
◊Disable Select this if you don’t want the backup function to be used.
♦Backup Delay – This value (in seconds) is used when the primary interface fails. Once the Backup Delay value is reached, the backup interface will be activated for use.
♦Restore Delay – This value is used if and when the master interface is operational again. Once the Restore Delay value is reached, the backup interface will be disconnected
This submenu contains a number of settings (shown below) which allow you to configure the router to dial out.