Appendix G
Example 5: MaxiCode fixed field format with Byte Count Specifier
The specified length example includes a byte count field for all bytes that follow until the end of the barcode data. The byte count is 51. The symbology encodes “327895555840666this package<CR>is going to Datamax”, and prints the barcode. Notice that a <CR> does not terminate the barcode format record. A line of text is also printed.
1U00000010001000051327895555840666this package<0x0D>is going to Datamax
121100000000100Barcode U<CR>
Barcode U
Valid Characters: A, B, C, or D
Length: One character
Valid bar dimensions: The width and height multiplier works the same as for fonts on this bar code.
This bar code is to display the Facing Identification Mark (FIM) used on certain types of letter mail for the U S Postal Service:
FIM A: Courtesy reply mail with Postnet.
FIM B: Business reply, penalty or franked mail without Postnet.
FIM C: Business reply, penalty or franked mail with Postnet.
FIM D: OCR readable mail without Postnet (usually used on courtesy reply envelopes).
The following example prints an FIM A bar code:
1v0000000150100A<CR> 121100000000100Barcode v<CR>
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