1354 Web Server Commands
Finger print: DC789788 DC88A988 127897BC BB789788
Certificate 2 is inactive
Issued by: self-signed
Valid from: 8/9/2003 to 8/9/2004
Subject: CN= router.gm.com, 0= General Motors, C= US
Finger print: 1873B936 88DC3411 BC8932EF 782134BA
The following example displays the HTTPS server configuration with DH Key
exchange disabled.
console#show ip https
HTTPS server enabled. Port: 443
DH Key exchange disabled, parameters are being
Certificate 1 is active
Issued by: www.verisign.com
Valid from: 8/9/2003 to 8/9/2004
Subject: CN= router.gm.com, 0= General Motors, C= US
Finger print: DC789788 DC88A988 127897BC BB789788
Certificate 2 is inactive
Issued by: self-signed
Valid from: 8/9/2003 to 8/9/2004
Subject: CN= router.gm.com, 0= General Motors, C= US
Finger print: 1873B936 88DC3411 BC8932EF 782134BA