796 IPv6 Routing Commands
— Valid tunnel interface ID
— Valid VLAN ID.
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC mode
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following examples show the usability status of a IPv6 VLAN interface
individually and all IPv6 interfaces collectively in an abbreviated format.
console#show ipv6 interface vlan 3
IPv6 is enabled
IPv6 Prefix is.......................
Routing Mode................................... Enabled
Administrative Mode............................ Enabled
IPv6 Routing Operational Mode.................. Enabled
Interface Maximum Transmit Unit................ 1500
Router Duplicate Address Detection Transmits... 1
Router Advertisement NS Interval............... 0
Router Lifetime Interval....................... 1800
Router Advertisement Reachable Time............ 0
Router Advertisement Interval.................. 600
Router Advertisement Managed Config Flag....... Disabled
Router Advertisement Other Config Flag......... Disabled