188 Using the CLI
• Option to Clear All Flash and Reset the System to Default Setting. User
action will be confirmed with a Y/N question before executing the
command. The following is the procedure to reset the system through
Boot Menu:
[Boot Menu] 9
Are you SURE you want to reset the system? (y/n):y
Boot code......
Boot Menu Version:
Select an option. If no selection in 10 seconds
then operational code will
1 - Start operational code.
2 - Start Boot Menu.
Select (1, 2):2
• Option to Boot Without Using Startup Configuration and Only Load
System Default. Selecting 10 from the Boot Menu restores system
defaults. The boot sequence is started by selecting ‘1’ from Boot Menu.
[Boot Menu] 10
Are you SURE you want to delete the startup-
config? (y/n):
• Option To Activate the Backup Image. This option determines the
active image and toggle the bootloader to use the backup image.
[Boot Menu] 11
Backup image - image1 activated.