operating system.
Control Panel
1.Click the Start button and click Control Panel.
2.Click Switch to Classic View or Switch to Category View in the
Start Menu
2.Click Properties and click the Start Menu tab.
3.Click Classic Start Menu and click OK.
Desktop Themes
2.On the Themes tab, click Windows Classic in the
3.To customize color, font, and other classic desktop options, click the Appearance tab and click Advanced.
4.When you have made your selections, click OK.
Desktop Cleanup Wizard
By default, the Desktop Cleanup Wizard moves desktop icons that are not frequently used from your desktop to a designated folder 7 days after you first start your computer and every 60 days after that. The appearance of the Start menu changes as desktop icons are moved.
To turn off the Desktop Cleanup Wizard:
2.Click the Desktop tab and click Customize Desktop.
3.Click Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 60 days to remove the check mark.
4.Click OK.
To run the Desktop Cleanup Wizard at any time:
2.Click the Desktop tab and click Customize Desktop.
3.Click Clean Desktop Now.
4.When the Desktop Cleanup Wizard screen appears, click Next.
5.To leave an icon on the desktop, click the icon name to remove the check mark, and then click Next.
6.Click Finish to remove the shortcuts and close the wizard.
Internet Connection Firewall
The Internet Connection Firewall provides basic protection from unauthorized access to the computer while the computer is connected to the Internet. The firewall is automatically enabled when you run the Network Setup Wizard. When the firewall is enabled for a network connection, the firewall icon appears with a red background in the Network Connections section of the Control Panel.
Note that enabling the Internet Connection Firewall does not reduce the need for
For more information, see the Help and Support Center (Microsoft® Windows® XP).
Setting Up a Home and Office Network
Network Setup Wizard
The Microsoft® Windows® XP operating system provides a Network Setup Wizard to guide you through the process of sharing files, printers, or an Internet connection between computers in a home or small office.
1.Click the Start button, point to All Programs→ Accessories→ Communications, and then click Network Setup Wizard.
2.On the welcome screen, click Next.
3.Click Checklist for creating a network.
NOTE: Selecting the connection method This computer connects directly to the Internet enables the integrated firewall provided with Windows XP.
4.Complete the checklist and required preparations.
5.Return to the Network Setup Wizard and follow the instructions on the screen.