202 DRAC 4 Property Database Group and Object Definitions
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cfgSerialConsoleNoAuth (Read/Write)
NOTE: To modify this property, you must have Configure DRAC 4 permission.
Legal Values
0 – Login prompt is Enabled on the serial shell.
1 – Login prompt is Disabled on serial shell.
Allows you to disable authentication on the serial shell.
cfgSerialConsoleCommand (Read/Write)
NOTE: To modify this property, you must have Configure DRAC 4 permission.
The serial command runs after login at the start of a session and allows you to set up a
command such as connect com2 that autoruns when a session begins.
Empty string (no command).
connect com2
cfgSerialHistorySize (Read/Write)
NOTE: To modify this property, you must have Configure DRAC 4 permission.
Legal Values
Any integer less than or equal to 8192. (If a value larger than 8192 is supplied, no error is
returned and the history size is set to 8192.)
8192 characters
Sets the size of the serial history buffer.