cc_GetDChanState( ) retrieves the status of the D channel
Name: int cc_GetDChanState(boarddev, dchstate_buf)
Reference: LINEDEV boarddev • line device handle for the D
channel board
int *dchstate_buf • pointer to the location where the
requested D channel state value
is stored
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: System tools
Mode: synchronous
Technology: PRI (excluding DPNSS and Q.SIG)
! !
The cc_GetDChanState( ) function retrieves the status of the D channel of a
specified board at any time.
Parameter Description
boarddev: The line device handle for the D channel board.
dchstate_buf: Points to the buffer containing the requested D channel state
value. The definitions of the possible channel states are:
DATA_LINK_UP D channel layer 2 is operable
DATA_LINK_DOWN D channel layer 2 is inoperable
! !
The cc_GetDChanState( ) function applies only to ISDN PRI technology. For
ISDN BRI technology, use the cc_GetDLinkState( ) function.
! !
#include <windows.h> /* For Windows applications only */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "srllib.h"
#include "dtilib.h"
#include "cclib.h"