reject a hold request from remote equipment cc_HoldRej( )
Name: int cc_HoldRej(crn, cause)
Inputs: CRN crn • call reference number
int cause • standard ISDN Network error code
Returns: 0 on success
<0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: Hold and Retrieve
Mode: synchronous
BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (DPNSS and Q.SIG only)
! !
The cc_HoldRej( ) function allows the application to reject a hold request from
remote equipment. This function is called only after the call is in the Connected
state and after the CCEV_HOLDCALL event is received. See Section 7.1. Event
Categories for information on CCEV_HOLDCALL.
Parameter Description
crn: The call reference number. Each call needs a CRN.
cause: A standard ISDN Network cause/error code is returned
indicating the reason the hold request was rejected. Possible
causes include TEMPORARY_FAILURE (Cause 41),
NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER (Cause 38), and
NETWORK_CONGESTION (Cause 42). For a complete list of
ISDN Network cause/error codes, see Section
7.2.2. Cause/Error Codes from the ISDN Network.
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• The cc_HoldRej( ) function should be called only after the call is in the
Connected state and after receiving the CCEV_HOLDCALL event or the
function will fail.
• Not all ISDN Network cause/error codes are universally supported across
switch types. Before using a particular cause code, compare its validity with
the appropriate switch vendor specifications.