cc_AcceptCall( ) responds to an incoming call request
Name: int cc_AcceptCall(crn, rings, mode)
Inputs: CRN crn • call reference number
int rings • number of rings before return
unsigned long mode • synchronous or asynchronous
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: Optional call handling
Mode: synchronous or asynchronous
Technology: BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (all protocols)
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The cc_AcceptCall( ) function responds to an incoming call request. A
CCEV_OFFERED event on the completion of cc_WaitCall( ) signifies an
incoming call request. The cc_AcceptCall( ) function sends an ALERTING
message to the network to indicate that the destination is ringing and to stop the
network from sending any further information. The ALERTING message also
stops the protocol layer 3 timer under fast connect. After the successful
completion of the cc_AcceptCall( ) function, the call state changes from Offered
to Accepted.
This command is not required in most applications if the application can respond
within the protocol timeout restriction.
Parameter Description
crn: The call reference number. Each call needs a CRN.
rings: Specifies how long the protocol handler will wait before
returning to the calling entity. The rings parameter is not used
for ISDN and will be ignored. Set rings to 0.
mode: Specifies asynchronous (EV_ASYNC) or synchronous
(EV_SYNC) mode.
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Termination Events
• CCEV_ACCEPT - indicates that an ALERTING message has been sent to the