cc_StartTrace( ) start the capture of all D channel information
Name: int cc_StartTrace(boarddev, FileName)
Inputs: LINEDEV boarddev • board device handle controlling
the D channel
char *FileName • file name for the trace
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: System tools
Mode: synchronous
Technology: BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (all protocols)
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The cc_StartTrace( ) function instructs the firmware to start the capture of all D
channel information into a specified log file. The firmware traces the D channel
communications between the Dialogic board and the network, places the results in
the shared RAM, and opens a file under the FileName parameter. The results are
then placed in the specified file, which is stored on the Dialogic board.
The cc_StartTrace( ) function allows the application to trace ISDN messages on
the specified D channel. The saved trace file is interpreted off line by the isdtrace
utility program supplied with the release package. (For more on the isdtrace utility
program, see Section 8.5.2. ISDTRACE Utility.) The trace continues until
cc_StopTrace( ) is issued. Complete information on the trace is not available until
the cc_StopTrace( ) function is executed.
Parameter Description
boarddev: The board device handle of the ISDN span that contains the D
FileName: The file name for the trace.
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• The device handle must use the line device handle for the D channel board.
• In order to process trace information, a board-level handle must be used.
• Only one board may be traced at a time.