Appendix C - IEs and ISDN Message Types for DPNSS
Diversion IE:
Field Description Field Selection Definition
1. Length Total bytes of
the following
data field
4 + length of Diversion Number
2. Data Diversion IE
ID DIVERSION_IE Use with the
cc_MakeCall( )
function to indicate
why the call was
diverted and from
where the call was
3. Data Diversion IE
Length 2 + length of Diversion Number Number of data bytes
for this element
4. Data Diversion
Type DIVERT_IMMEDIATE Diverted immediately
DIVERT_ON_BUSY Diverted when called
party was busy
DIVERT_NO_REPLY Diverted when called
party did not answer
5. Data Diversion
Local diversion
Remote diversion
6. Data Diversion
Number ASCII string Diverted number
Diversion Bypass IE:
Field Description Field Selection Definition
1. Length Total bytes of
the following
data field
1 Required value