cc_SndNonCallMsg( ) sends a non-call related ISDN message
Name: int cc_SndNonCallMsg(boarddev, crn_type, msg_type,
Inputs: LINEDEV boarddev • board device
int crn_type • ISDN call reference
number type
int msg_type • ISDN message type
NONCRN_BLK *sndmsgptr • pointer to the message
block containing non-call
related ISDN message
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: Optional call handling
Mode: synchronous
Technology: BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (all protocols)
! !
The cc_SndNonCallMsg( ) function sends a non-call related ISDN message to
the network over the D channel. The cc_SndNonCallMsg( ) function specifies the
ISDN CRN type as either:
• GLOBAL CRN - pertaining to all calls or channels on a trunk
• NULL CRN - not related to any particular call
Unlike the cc_SndMsg( ) function, the cc_SndNonCallMsg( ) function does not
require a call reference number (CRN) to transmit the outgoing message.