cc_Restart( ) resets the channel to Null state
Name: int cc_Restart(linedev, mode)
Inputs: LINEDEV linedev • device handle
unsigned long mode • asynchronous or synchronous
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: System control
Mode: synchronous or asynchronous
Technology: BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (all protocols)
! !
The cc_Restart( ) function resets the channel to Null state. This function typically
is used after the recovery of trunk errors or alarm conditions, or when the
application needs to reset the channel to NULL state.
When the cc_Restart( ) function is called, the following activities take place on
the B channel specified in linedev. If the application is using the call waiting
feature (BRI and Windows only) and a board device has been specified in
linedev, the following activities will take place on all of the B channels associated
with the board device. The activities take place in the order listed:
1. The active call is disconnected and all new incoming calls are blocked.
2. The call reference number and all call information is cleared.
3. When the function is returned, the channel is in blocked state. The application
must reissue a new cc_WaitCall( ) to accept a new call.
Parameter Description
linedev: Specifies the line device handle for the channel or, for
applications using the call waiting feature, the board device
handle (BRI and Windows only).
mode: Specifies asynchronous (EV_ASYNC) or synchronous
(EV_SYNC) mode.
NOTE: For synchronous applications, the cc_Restart( )
function must be issued by the same process as the device
controlling process.