ISDN Software Reference for Linux and Windows
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[3] = 0x06; // Operation Object, tag
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[4] = 0x07; // Operation Object, length
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[5] = 0x2A; // Operation Object, Operation Value
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[6] = 0x86; // Operation Object, Operation Value
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[7] = 0x48; // Operation Object, Operation Value
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[8] = 0xCE; // Operation Object, Operation Value
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[9] = 0x15; // Operation Object, Operation Value
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[10] = 0x00; // Operation Object, Operation Value
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[11] = 0x08; // Operation Object, Operation Value
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[12] = 0x30; // Sequence, tag
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[13] = 0x04; // Sequence, length (varies, combined length of Link
& D Channel ID )
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[14] = 0x02; // Link ID, tag
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[15] = 0x02; // Link ID, length (varies)
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[16] = (unsigned char) ((crn2_crv>>8)&0xFF);
// Link ID, linkid value (varies)
tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[17] = (unsigned char) (crn2_crv&0xFF);
// Link ID, inkid value (varies)
// The D Channel Identifier is Optional
// tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[18] = 0x04; // D Channel ID, tag
// tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[19] = 0x04; // D Channel ID, length
// tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[20] = 0x00; // D Channel ID, dchid (varies)
// tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[21] = 0x00; // D Channel ID, dchid (varies)
// tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[22] = 0x00; // D Channel ID, dchid (varies)
// tbct_ie.bits.comp_data[23] = 0x00; // D Channel ID, dchid (varies)
** Load all the IEs into a single IE block
** !!NOTE!! - IE must be added in IE ID order!
ie_blk.length = (5 + 18);
for ( ctr = 0; ctr < ie_blk.length; ctr++ ) {[ctr] = tbct_ie.bytes[ctr];
} /* end if */
** Send out a facility message that will execute the transfer
rc = cc_SndMsg( crn2, SndMsg_Facility, &ie_blk );
4. Processing the Network response to TBCT request:typedef union {
struct {
unsigned char ie_id; // Byte 1
unsigned char length; // Byte 2
unsigned char prot_profile :5; // Byte 3, Intel Layout
unsigned char spare :2;
unsigned char extension_1 :1;
unsigned char comp_type; // Byte 4
unsigned char comp_length; // Byte 5
unsigned char comp_data[249]; // Bytes 6 to 254
} bits;
unsigned char bytes[254];