redefines a call progress tone’s attributes cc_ToneRedefine( )
Name: int cc_ToneRedefine(devHdl, sigType, pToneParm, mode)
Inputs: LINEDEV devHdl • line device handle
unsigned char sigType • Tone Signal Type
toneParm *pToneParm • pointer to Tone Parameter
int mode • asynchronous/synchronous
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: Global Tone Generation
Mode: asynchronous/synchronous
Technology: BRI/SC
! !
The cc_ToneRedefine( ) function redefines a call progress tone’s attributes in the
tone template table. The tone template table resides in the firmware and is used
during call establishment. The template contains common call progress tone types
and is preset to default values at initialization (see Table 29. Tone Template
Table). The current template has a total of eight entries, of which only four are
defined. The other four are reserved for future use.
The cc_ToneRedefine( ) function allows the existing tone template to be
redefined, but not the functional meanings of the call progress tones.
Parameter Description
devHdl: Specifies the valid channel device handle obtained when the
channel was opened using cc_Open( ). Each channel has an
internal tone template.
sigType: Indicates the type of call progress tone, such as dial tone, busy
tone, ringback, etc. Note that each sigType has its own
meaning and cannot be changed, for example, sigType 0x01
always means a dial tone.
pToneParm: Pointer to the tone parameter structure. For a description of the
toneParm data structure, see Section 6.14. ToneParm.
mode: Specifies whether to run this function asynchronously or
synchronously. Set to either EV_ASYNC or EV_SYNC.