ISDN Software Reference for Linux and Windows
LAPD protocol, 260
Layer 2, 14
Layer 3, 14
Layer 3 Supplementary Services, 5
library error codes, 347
library errors, 339
library function categories, 29
Line Device Handle, 47, 73, 125
LOCKING Shift IE, 355
logical data link state, 109
MMAKECALL Block, 314, 353
MAKECALL block parameters, 306
MAKECALL_BLK, 305, 314, 353
MAKECALL_BLK initialization, 314,
MAKECALL_BLK structure, 171
maskable event, 18, 19, 21, 22
Messaging, 5
mode, 47
asynchronous, 16
synchronous, 16
Multiple D Channel Configuration, 7
description, 409
feature in PRI, 8
network error codes, 342
network errors, 339
Network Facility Associated Signal
NFAS, 451, 452
Network Layer, 14
Network Termination Unit, 445
connections, 445
feature in PRI, 9
Non-Call Associated Signaling
description, 409
feature in PRI, 8
NON-LOCKING Shift IEs, 354
NTU, 445
null, 452
NULL state, 17, 20, 23, 194
OOFFERED state, 19
transition, 19
opening a device, 176
Operator Services
drop-and-insert configuration
applications, 11
optional call handling, 29, 32
Ordering service, 445
organization, of this guide, 1
outbound call
asynchronous example, 19
synchronous example, 22
out-of-band signaling, 13
overlap receiving, 127
Pparameter ID definitions, 138, 144