4. ISDN Function Overview
Table 12. System Tool Functions
Function Description
Configuration Tools:
cc_CallState( ) retrieves the state of the call
cc_CRN2LineDev( ) returns the line device number associated with a
specified call reference number
cc_GetCES( ) retrieves the connection endpoint suffix
cc_GetCRN( ) retrieves the call reference number
cc_GetDChanState( ) retrieves the status of the D Channel
cc_GetDLinkCfg( ) retrieves the configuration of a logical link
cc_GetDLinkState( ) retrieves the logical data link state
cc_GetNetCRV( ) retrieves the network call reference value for a
specified call reference number
cc_GetParm( ) returns the default channel parameters
cc_GetParmEx( ) retrieves parameters containing variable data
passed from the firmware.
cc_GetSAPI( ) retrieves the service access point ID
cc_GetUsrAttr( ) returns the user attribute
cc_SetChanState( ) changes the maintenance state of an indicated
cc_SetDChanCfg( ) sets the D-channel configuration for a BRI
station device
cc_SetDLinkCfg( ) configures a logical link
cc_SetDLinkState( ) sets the logical data link state
cc_SetParm( ) sets default call parameters