allows the application to disconnect a call cc_DropCall( )
Value Description
NO_ROUTE Network has no route to the specified
transient network, or the network has no
route to the destination.
NO_USER_RESPONDING No user responding
NUMBER_CHANGED Number changed
OUTGOING_CALL_BARRED Outgoing call barred
PRE_EMPTED Call preempted
PROTOCOL_ERROR Protocol error, unspecified
REQ_CHANNEL_NOT_AVAIL Requested circuit/channel unavailable
RESP_TO_STAT_ENQ Response to status inquiry
SERVICE_NOT_AVAIL Service not available
TEMPORARY_FAILURE Temporary failure
TIMER_EXPIRY Recovery on timer expired
UNASSIGNED_NUMBER Unassigned number
UNSPECIFIED_CAUSE Unspecified cause
USER_BUSY User busy
WRONG_MESSAGE Message type invalid in call state or not
WRONG_MSG_FOR_STATE Message type not compatible with call
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Termination Events
• CCEV_DROPCALL - indicates that a DISCONNECT message has been sent
to the network.
• CCEV_TASKFAIL - indicates that a request/message was rejected by the
firmware. Typically, this event is triggered by an incorrect function call
during the call.