ISDN Software Reference for Linux and Windows
Network Specific Indications (NSI) IE:
Field Description Field Selection Definition
1. IE ID NSI IE ID NSI_IE This IE can be part of any
event including the
CCEV_NSI event.
2. Data NSI IE
Length 2 + Length of Network
Specific Indications (NSI)
Number of data bytes for
this IE
3. Data NSI Message
End-to-end message
Link-to-link message
4. Data NSI String
Length Length of Network Specific
Indications (NSI) string Length of next NSI string
5. Data NSI String ASCII string Network Specific
Indications string
NSI IE fields 4 and 5 can be repeated multiple times, as needed.Extension Status IE:
Field Description Field Selection Definition
1. IE ID Extension
Status IE ID EXTENSION_STATUS_IE This IE is used in
conjunction with the
Virtual Call IE to
inquire about the
current status of an