7. ISDN Events and ErrorsThis chapter describes the events and error/cause codes that are returned by the
Dialogic ISDN library functions. The function descriptions in Chapter 5. ISDN
Function Reference list the possible error codes and, for asynchronous functions,
the termination events returned by the function.
7.1. Event Categories
There are two types of events returned by the ISDN library functions: those that
are returned after the termination of a function call and those that are unsolicited
and triggered by external events.
7.1.1. Termination Events
Table 47 lists the events returned at the termination of asynchronous function
calls. The events are categorized by call reference number (CRN) referenced
functions, line device handle referenced functions, and CRN or line device handle
referenced functions. (See Section 5.3. Function References: CRNs, CRVs, and
Line Device Handles for more on function references.)
Termination events are solicited events that are returned by asynchronous
functions only.