cc_ReleaseCallEx( ) release all Dialogic ISDN resources
Name: int cc_ReleaseCallEx(crn, mode)
Inputs: CRN crn • call reference number
unsigned long
mode • synchronous or asynchronous
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: Call control
Mode: synchronous or asynchronous
Technology: BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (all protocols)
! !
The cc_ReleaseCallEx( ) function instructs the driver and firmware to release all
Dialogic ISDN resources for the specified call. Every cc_DropCall( ) must be
followed by cc_ReleaseCallEx( ) or cc_ReleaseCall( ) (see Note below). An
inbound call will be rejected after cc_DropCall( ) and prior to
cc_ReleaseCallEx( ).
Windows only: It is recommended that, for new applications, the
cc_ReleaseCallEx( ) function be used instead of the cc_ReleaseCall( )
function. See the Cautions in the cc_ReleaseCall( ) function description
for more information.
Under PRI, the firmware sends the RELEASE message to the network
automatically, by default. However, the host can be configured to control when to
send the RELEASE message to the network by using a parameter configuration
file set prior to download time. Unlike PRI, the BRI board passes this control to
the host application by default. The host application then sends the RELEASE
message through the cc_ReleaseCallEx( ) function. See the Host-Controlled
Disconnect Process scenario in Appendix A - Call Control Scenarios for more
information on how to use this function.
Parameter Description
crn: The call reference number. Each call needs a CRN.
mode: Specifies asynchronous (EV_ASYNC) or synchronous
(EV_SYNC) mode.