Appendix B - DPNSS Call Scenarios
5cc_ReleaseCall( ) -->
1. Places an outgoing call (cc_MakeCall( )) with Virtual Call IE and any other
information set, such as NSI strings or Extension Status. See Appendix C for
the format of Virtual Call IE.
2. Receives call disconnected (CCEV_DISCONNECT) event. Use
cc_ResultValue( ) to retrieve the clearing cause. RESP_TO_STAT_ENQ
means the call was Acknowledged and FACILITY_REJECT means the call
was Rejected.
3. Issues cc_DropCall( ).
4. Receives drop call (CCEV_DROPCALL) event.
5. Issues cc_ReleaseCall( ).
Virtual call - inboundStep Dialogic API Action/Result Dialogic Event
(with Virtual Call IE)
2cc_DropCall( ) -->
4cc_ReleaseCall( ) -->
1. Receives call offer (CCEV_OFFERED) event with indication that this is a
virtual call. Use cc_GetSigInfo( ) to retrieve Virtual Call IE and any other
information, such as NSI strings.
2. Issues cc_DropCall( ) with clearing cause set to RESP_TO_STAT_ENQ to
acknowledge the call or FACILITY_REJECT to reject the call.
3. Receives drop call (CCEV_DROPCALL) event.
4. Issues cc_ReleaseCall( ).