ISDN Software Reference for Linux and Windows
6.1. CC_RATE_UThe CC_RATE_U data structure contains billing rate information for Vari-A-Bill
services, which is set by the cc_SetBilling( ) function. The current structure,
defined for AT&T only, is shown below:
typedef union {
struct ATT {long cents}
Table 30. CC_RATE_U Field Descriptions
Field Description
ATT The billing rate for the current call.
6.2. channel_idThe channel_id structure is used within the MAKECALL_BLK structure to
specify the channel indicator and the channel indicator mode for the call waiting
feature. The channel indicator specifies the Channel resource preference
(NO_BCHAN, ANY_BCHAN, DCHAN_IND, or a specific B-Channel number).
To initiate a waiting call, the channel indicator must be set to NO_BCHAN. The
channel indicator mode (PREFERRED or EXCLUSIVE) should be selected if a B
channel is specified.
The channel indicator and the channel indicator mode are only used if a
board device handle is specified in the function call. If a line device
handle is specified, these indicators will be ignored.
The structure is defined as follows:
struct {
byte channel;
byte channel_mode;
short rfu;
} channel_id;