cc_ResultMsg( ) interprets the function return code
Name: int cc_ResultMsg(linedev, ResultCode, msg)
Inputs: LINEDEV linedev • line device handle
int ResultCode • function return value
char **msg • pointer to the address where the
result message is stored
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: System tools
Mode: synchronous
Technology: BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (all protocols)
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cc_ResultMsg( ) is a convenience function that interprets the function return
code. The cc_ResultMsg( ) function retrieves either the cause value of an event
from the cc_CauseValue( ) function or the function return code from the
cc_ResultValue( ) function.
Parameter Description
linedev: The line device handle.
ResultCode: The cause value of the event or return code (retrieved from
cc_ResultValue( ) or cc_CauseValue( )).
msg: The pointer to the buffer address where the result message
will be stored.
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! !
#include <windows.h> /* For Windows applications only */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include “srllib.h”
#include “dtilib.h”
#include “cclib.h”