play a user-defined tone cc_PlayTone( )
Name: int cc_PlayTone(devHdl, pToneParm, tptp, mode)
Inputs: int devHdl • channel device handle
toneParm *pToneParm • pointer to the toneParm structure
DV_TPT *tptp • pointer to the DV_TPT structure
int mode • asynchronous/synchronous
Returns: 0 on success
<0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: Global Tone Generation
Mode: asynchronous or synchronous
Technology: BRI/SC
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The cc_PlayTone( ) function allows the application to play a user-defined tone.
The tone's attributes are defined in the structure toneParm, which is pointed to by
the parameter pToneParm.
Parameter Description
devHdl: The channel device handle of the channel on which the tone is
to be played.
pToneParm: The pointer to the tone parameter structure. See Section
6.14. ToneParm for a description of the toneParm structure.
tptp: Points to the DV_TPT data structure, which specifies the
terminating condition (DX_MAXTIME) for the function.
DX_MAXTIME is the only allowed terminating condition; no
other termination conditions are supported. See the Voice
Software Reference – Features Guide for the appropriate
operating system for a description of the DV_TPT data
mode: Specifies whether to run the function asynchronously
(EV_ASYNC) or synchronously (EV_SYNC).
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Termination Events
• CCEV_PLAYTONE - indicates that the tone was successfully played.
• CCEV_PLAYTONEFAIL - indicates that the request to play a tone failed.