cc_MakeCall( ) request a connection to make an outgoing call
Name: int cc_MakeCall(linedev, crnp, numberstr, makecallp,
timeout, mode)
Inputs: LINEDEV linedev • device handle
CRN *crnp • pointer to call reference
char *numberstr • destination phone
MAKECALL_BLK *makecallp • pointer to outbound call
int timeout • time interval
unsigned long mode • synchronous or
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: Call control
Mode: synchronous or asynchronous
Technology: BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (all protocols)
! !
The cc_MakeCall( ) function allows the application to request a connection to
make an outgoing call on the specified line device or, for the call waiting feature,
on the specified board device (BRI and Windows only). When this function is
issued asynchronously, a call reference number (CRN) is assigned and returned
immediately if the function is successful. If the function is issued synchronously,
the CRN will be available at the successful completion of the function. All
subsequent communications between the application and the driver regarding the
call use the CRN as a reference.