cc_Open( ) opens a device
Name: int cc_Open(linedevp, devicename, rfu)
Inputs: LINEDEV *linedevp pointer to the buffer storing the
line device handle
char *devicename name of the device
int rfu reserved for future use
Returns: 0 on success
<0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: Call control
Mode: synchronous
Technology: BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (all protocols)
! !
The cc_Open( ) function opens a device and returns a unique line device handle
to identify the physical device that carries the call. The cc_Open( ) function is
used to open both network board and channel (that is, time slot) devices. Once a
device is opened, all subsequent references to the opened device must be made
using the line device number that is returned to and placed in linedevp.
A channel cannot be opened twice in the same process.
Parameter Description
linedevp: A unique number placed in the location pointed to by linedev.
The number identifies the specific device opened by this
devicename: The pointer to the ASCII string that defines the device or
devices that will be associated with the returned line device.
The format for devicename is as follows:
PRI: dtiBx for board
dtiBxTy for time
BRI: briSx for board
briSxTy for time
rfu: Reserved for future use. Set rfu to 0.
Each PRI structure is composed of one D channel and 23 (T1) or 30 (E1) B
(bearer) channels. A PRI board device, such as dtiB1, is defined as a station and
controls the D channel. A PRI time slot device, such dtiB1T1, is defined as a
bearer channel under a station.