cc_GetLineDev( ) retrieves the line device handle for an event
return( 1 );
while (1)
{/* wait for network event */
/* discCallHdlr - disconnect the active call */
int discCallHdlr( )
{int dev;
int len;
void *datap;
CRN crn;
len = sr_getevtlen();
datap = sr_getevtdatap();
cc_GetCRN (&crn, datap);
if ( cc_DropCall( crn,NORMAL_CLEARING,EV_ASYNC)<0)
{int lasterr = cc_CauseValue(dev);
char *errmsg;
if ( cc_ResultMsg(dev,lasterr,&errmsg) == 0 )
printf( "\tcc_DropCall() Error: ( %x ) %s\n",lasterr,errmsg);
return( 0 );
! !
If the function returns a value < 0 to indicate failure, use the cc_CauseValue( )
function to retrieve the reason code for the failure. The cc_ResultMsg( ) function
can be used to interpret the reason code. Error codes are defined in the files
ccerr.h, isdnerr.h, and isdncmd.h.
Typically, a < 0 return code for the cc_GetLineDev( ) function indicates that the
function reference (the CRN) is not valid for the function call.
! !
See Also
• cc_GetCRN( )