6. Data Structure Reference
6.13. TERM_NACK_BLKThe TERM_NACK_BLK data structure is used to cast terminal initialization
event data after a CCEV_RCVTERMREG_NACK event is received.
TERM_NACK_BLK contains the cause value for the event, indicating why the
terminal initialization request was rejected by the network.
The data structure is defined as follows:
* Structure for CCEV_RCVTERMREG_NACK Event.
typedef struct
{DLINK data_link;
byte cause_value;
Table 42. TERM_NACK_BLK Field Descriptions
Field Description
data_link The DLINK data structure; see Section 6.4. DLINK.
cause_value The Cause Value defined in isdncmd.h. (For a listing of
Cause Values associated with a
CCEV_RCTERMREG_NACK event, see Table 43 below..)
The following table lists the possible cause values that may be returned in the
TERM_NACK_BLK data structure after receiving a
CCEV_RCVTERMREG_NACK event. Any values provided by the Network that
are not listed in the table will also be passed up to the application.