retrieves the logical data link state cc_GetDLinkState( )
Name: int cc_GetDLinkState(bdev, dlinkptr, state_buf)
Inputs: LINEDEV bdev • device handle
DLINK *dlinkptr • pointer to data link information
int *state_buf • pointer to location of D channel
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: System tools
Mode: synchronous
Technology: BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (all protocols)
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The cc_GetDLinkState( ) function retrieves the logical data link state (operable,
inoperable or disabled) of the specified board device for PRI or station device for
Parameter Description
bdev: Board device handle for PRI, station device handle for BRI.
dlinkptr: Pointer to the data link information block (DLINK). See Section
6.4. DLINK for a definition of the data link information block
data structure. See the Example code for details.
state_buf: Pointer to the buffer containing the requested data link state
value. Possible data link states are:
DATA_LINK_UP channel layer 2 is operable
DATA_LINK_DOWN channel layer 2 is inoperable
DATA_LINK_DISABLED channel layer 2 was disabled
and cannot be reestablished
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