ISDN Software Reference for Linux and Windows
Only one protocol may be configured per digital network interface at
a given time.
2. Refer to the package release notes or system software catalog for
updated protocol support information. Also, refer to the Dialogic
Worldview website at and to the Dialogic
FirstCall Info Server website at
DPNSS and Q.SIG are ISDN PRI E-1 protocols that are used to pass calls
transparently between PBXs. Unlike other PRI E-1 protocols, DPNSS and Q.SIG
require special ISDN API library functions for processing calls placed on hold.
Other ISDN library functions have modifications that are specific to the DPNSS
protocol. For a listing of the functions that are specific to DPNSS and Q.SIG, see
Chapter 4. ISDN Function Overview. For more detailed information on the
DPNSS and Q.SIG ISDN library functions, see Chapter 5. ISDN Function
To support DPNSS, Dialogic E-1 boards, such as the D/300SC-E1 or the
DTI/601SC, must be software-enabled. The enablement utility can be
downloaded from the Dialogic FirstCall™ InfoServer website. However,
an order form must also be filled out to request an access code to use the
DPNSS enablement utility. For more information on how this works, see
the Dialogic FirstCall™ InfoServer website.