cc_GetNonCallMsg( ) retrieves call data for a GLOBAL or NULL CRN event
Name: int cc_GetNonCallMsg(devhndl, msgblkptr)
Inputs: LINEDEV devHndl • board device handle
associated with NULL or
NONCRN_BLK *msgblkptr • pointer to NULL or
GLOBAL information
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: Optional call handling
Mode: synchronous
Technology: BRI/2; BRI/SC; PRI (all protocols)
! !
The cc_GetNonCallMsg( ) function retrieves call data for a GLOBAL or NULL
CRN event, at the time the event occurs. The cc_GetNonCallMsg( ) function
must be used immediately after the event is received if the application needs the
call information. The library will not queue the call information; subsequent
messages on the same board device will overwrite this information if it is not
retrieved immediately.
NULL events correspond to messages received with a dummy, or NULL, call
reference value (CRV). These messages are of significance to all calls or channels
on a particular trunk, that is, they do not correspond to a particular call. Therefore,
the messages are delivered on the board level device (for example, briS1). The
cc_GetNonCallMsg( ) function can be used to retrieve information for the
following NULL events:
GLOBAL events correspond to messages received with a Zero call reference
value. These messages are of significance to all calls or channels on a particular
trunk, that is, they do not correspond to a particular call. Therefore, the messages
are delivered on the board level device (for example, briS1). The
cc_GetNonCallMsg( ) function can be used to retrieve the information for the
following GLOBAL events: