change the maintenance state of a specified B channel cc_SetChanState( )
Name: int cc_SetChanState(linedev, chanstate, mode)
Inputs: LINEDEV linedev • line device handle
int chanstate • channel service state
unsigned long mode • synchronous or asynchronous
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: System tools
Mode: synchronous or asynchronous
Technology: PRI (all protocols)
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The cc_SetChanState( ) function is used to change the maintenance state of a
specified B channel. When power is first turned on, all channels are placed in the
IN_SERVICE state. However, in some protocols, the D channel may need to be
This feature may not be available in some countries.
Parameter Description
linedev: The line device handle of the B channel.
chanstate: The channel service state. Possible values for chanstate are:
• IN_SERVICE - Informs the board that the host is ready to receive
and send a message.
• MAINTENANCE - Informs the host that normal outgoing traffic
is not allowed. Only an incoming test call is permitted.
• OUT_OF_SERVICE - Informs the board that the host is not ready
to receive or send a message. For some protocols, the firmware
will reject all incoming and outgoing requests.
mode: Specifies asynchronous (EV_ASYNC) or synchronous (EV_SYNC)
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Termination Events
• CCEV_SETCHANSTATE - indicates that the B channel has been placed in
the requested state.