cc_SetBilling( ) sets the billing rate for
Name: int cc_SetBilling(crn, rate_type, ratep, mode)
Inputs: CRN crn • call reference number
int rate_type • type of billing data
CC_RATE_U *ratep • pointer to call charge rate
unsigned long mode • asynchronous or synchronous
Returns: 0 on success
< 0 on failure
Includes: cclib.h
Category: Optional call handling
Mode: asynchronous or synchronous
Technology: PRI (4ESS only)
! !
The cc_SetBilling( ) function sets the billing rate for AT&T Vari-A-Bill services
associated with the particular call reference number, using cents as the unit. In
asynchronous mode, the cc_SetBilling( ) function must be used after either
CCEV_CONNECTED or CCEV_ANSWERED is received (in call state
Connected). In synchronous mode, cc_SetBilling( ) must be used after successful
completion of either cc_MakeCall( ) or cc_AnswerCall( ).
This function is specific to users of the AT&T Network's Vari-A-Bill
service the AT&T network. Check with the service provider to see if this
service can be used.
Parameter Description
crn: The call reference number. Each call needs a CRN.
rate_type: The type of billing data. Possible values are:
• ISDN_NEW_RATE - change to different per-minute rate
• ISDN_FLAT_RATE - change to flat charge
• ISDN_PREM_CHANGE - add additional charge to the call
• ISDN_PREM_CREDIT - subtract charge from the call
ratep: Pointer to the billing rate of the current call. The billing rate
information is contained in the CC_RATE_U data structure. For a
description of this structure, see Section 6.1. CC_RATE_U.
mode: Specifies asynchronous (EV_ASYNC) or synchronous
(EV_SYNC) mode.