Server IP | Type in the IP address of the PPTP/L2TP server. |
User Name | Type in the username provided by ISP in this field. |
Password | Type in the password provided by ISP in this field. |
Address Mode | You can choose Static IP or DHCP as WAN IP network |
| setting. |
IP Address | Type the IP address if you choose Static IP as the WAN IP |
| network setting. |
Subnet Mask | Type the subnet mask if you chose Static IP as the WAN IP. |
Default Gateway | Type the gateway address for this router. |
Redial Policy | If you want to connect to Internet all the time, you can |
| choose Always On. Otherwise, choose Connect on |
| Demand. |
| Idle Time - Set the timeout for breaking down the Internet |
| after passing through the time without any action. When you |
| choose Connect on Demand, you have to type value here. |
MAC Address Clone | MAC Address Clone is available when the box of Enable is |
| checked. The router will detect the MAC address |
| automatically. The result will be displayed in the field of |
| MAC Address. |
72 | VigorFly 200 Series User’s Guide |