Self Contained Wireless Alarm System v1.0
[8]ON: System Tamper Enabled. The panel will monitor the physical tamper switch, if the system is taken off the wall, or the front housing is removed, a System Tamper Alarm will be generated.
OFF: System Tamper Disabled: The panel will not monitor the physical tamper switch.
Section [016] Fourth System Options
Option Description
[1]ON: Cross Zoning Enabled. The panel will use the Cross Zone Attribute for Burglary Verification.
OFF: Police Code Enabled. The panel will use the Police Code feature for Burglary Verification.
[2]ON: Exit Delay Restart Enabled. A
OFF: Exit Delay Restart Enabled. One Time Exit Delay Restart on Delay zone
The exit delay can only be restarted once. This includes restarts from Away function keys. If the Exit Delay was silent, the addi- tional Exit time should remain silent and will be double the programmed Exit Time.
[3]ON: Blank Keypad when not Used. The keypad blanks (no indicator lights) if a key is not pressed for 30 seconds.
OFF: Keypad Always Active. The keypad does not blank.
[4]ON: Code Required to Remove Keypad Blanking. A valid user code must be entered to restore normal keypad operation.
OFF: No Code Required. Pressing any key will return the keypad to normal operation.
[5]ON: Keypad Backlighting Enabled. Backlighting is enabled for LCD and Keys.
OFF: Keypad Backlighting Disabled. Backlighting is disabled for LCD and Keys.
[6]ON: Identified WLS Keys Not Required for Disarming. The panel will accept the disarm keycode from an unidentified Wireless Key, allowing disarming with without an associated user code programmed.
OFF: Identified WLS Keys Required for Disarming. The panel will NOT accept the disarm keycode from an unidentified Wireless Key. An access code must be associated with a WLS KEY for proper operation.
[7]ON: Bypass Status Displayed While Armed. the keypad displays the “Warning Bypass Active” prompt if zones are bypassed while
the system is armed. OFF: Bypass Status Not Displayed While Armed. The “Warning Bypass Active” prompt is not displayed when the system is armed.
[8]ON: Daylight Saving Time Enabled. Enables the Daylight Saving automatic clock adjustment feature.
OFF: Daylight Saving Time Enabled. The system does not automatically adjust the clock for Daylight Saving.
Section [023] Tenth System Options
Option Description
[1]ON: [F] Key Beeps Only. The keypad [F] emergency key will only beep three times to acknowledge the button has been pressed.
The system will not activate the siren. OFF: [F] Key Beeps and Sounds Bell. The system will activate the siren and beep the keypad.
[2]Future Use
[3]ON: Test Transmission While Armed Only. The system will only transmit the Test Transmission reporting code if the system is
armed at the time the system is programmed to report the event. OFF: Test Transmission while Armed/Disarmed. The system will always report the Test Transmission reporting code at the programmed time.
[4]ON: Transmission Counter in Hours. The system changes the Test Transmission Reporting Cycle Time from Days to Hours. OFF: Transmission Counter in Days. The Test Transmission Reporting Cycle Time is in Days.
[5]ON: Switching From Away to Stay Disabled. The user can NOT switch from Away Arm mode to Stay Arm mode using the
function keys. OFF: Away to Stay Toggle Option Permitted. The user can switch arming modes.
[6]ON: New Alarms will not Disconnect
OFF: New Alarms Disconnects
This option must be OFF for UL Listed Installations. Applies to SCW9047 only.
[7]ON: Trouble Beeps are Silent. The system does NOT activate the keypad buzzer for any trouble condition except fire.
OFF: Trouble Beeps Sound Every 10 Seconds. The system annunciates troubles via the keypad buzzer (2 beeps every 10 seconds).
[8]ON: Keyswitch Arms in Away Mode. Keyswitch zones on the system will always arm the system in Away.
OFF: Keyswitch Arms in Stay or Away Mode. When a keyswitch zone is used to arm the system, the final armed mode will depend on whether the user trips a delay zone during exit delay. If the user trips a delay zone, then the system will arm in Away mode, if not, then the system will arm in Stay mode. This is similar to arming the system at the keypad with an access code. The exit delay will be audible.