Section 8: Programming Descriptions
Section [701] First International Options
Option Description
[1]ON: 50 Hz AC. Configures the system for 50Hz AC. OFF: 60 Hz AC. Configures the system for 60Hz AC
[2]ON: Time Base Internal Crystal. The system uses the internal crystal for the internal panel clock.
OFF: Time Base
[3]ON: AC/DC Arming Inhibit with Battery Check Enabled. The system will inhibit arming if a Low Battery or AC trouble
condition is present. OFF: Arming not Inhibited. Arming will not be inhibited.
[4]ON: System Tampers Require Installer Reset. All Tamper troubles will latch and arming will be inhibited. Enter Installer
Programming to clear the trouble condition and return to normal operation. OFF: System Tampers Do Not Require Installer Reset. Tamper troubles will not latch and will not inhibit arming. Manual bypassing of a zone will not bypass the tamper or fault states (DEOL).
[6]ON: Busy Tone Detection Enabled. The system will hang up if a busy tone is detected. This attempt is not counted towards the
maximum dialing attempts. OFF: Busy Tone Detection Disabled. The system will not detect busy tones.
Section [702] Second International Options
Option Description
[1]ON: Pulse Dialing Make/Break ratio is 33/67. The communicator uses 33/67 make/break ratio when pulse dialing. OFF: Pulse Dialing Make/Break ratio is 40/60. The system uses 40/60 make/break ratio.
[2]ON: Force Dialing Enabled. The system dials regardless of the presence of dial tone after the first attempt.
OFF: Force Dialing Disabled. The system dials only if dial tone is detected.
[3]Future Use
[4]ON: 1600Hz Handshake. 1600Hz Handshake used. OFF: Standard Handshake. Standard Handshake is used.
[5]ON: ID Tone Enabled. The system generates a tone for 500mS every 2 seconds indicating digital equipment is making the call vs. a
voice call. OFF: ID Tone Disabled. The system does not generate a tone.
[6]ON: 2100 Hz. ID Tone. The tone generated (2100Hz.) indicates that digital equipment is making the call.
OFF: 1300 Hz. ID Tone. The tone is 1300Hz.
Section [703] Delay Between Dialing Attempts
Program the time the system will wait between dialing attempts to transmit a reporting event to the central station. Valid entries are [001] to [255].
Section [804] Wireless Programming
The following programming sections are used to program wireless devices. Enter the associated
Sub Section [01]-[32] Wireless Zone Programming
These sections are used to enter the wireless zone serial numbers. This is a 6 digit hexadecimal entry. For toggling entries between decimal and hexadecimal values press [*]. The first digit of the serial number is used to identify the type of device:
2 = Door/Window Contact
3 = PIR or Glass Break Detector
4 = Smoke Detector
5 = Panic Pendant
Sub Section [41]-[56] Wireless Key Programming
These sections are used to enter the wireless key serial numbers. This is a 6 digit hexadecimal entry. For toggling entries between decimal and hexadecimal values press [*]. The first digit of the wireless keys can be either ‘6’ or ‘9’.
The following 5 digits are the same as the device serial numbers.
Sub Section [61]-[76] Wireless Key Function Key Programming
Up to 4 functions can be programmed uniquely for each wireless key. Refer to Function Key Options on page 16 for a list of functions that can be programmed in the wireless keys.
Sub Section [81] Wireless Supervisory Window (Entry Value x 15 minutes) (4 - 96 = 1 - 24Hr Window)
This entry is in minutes and when multiplied by 15, determines the length of the supervisory window, valid entries are between 04 to 96 for 1 to 24 hours. The default for the North American market is 96 (24 hours), for the European market is 10 (2.5 hours).