Section 8: Programming Descriptions
Section [013] First System Options
Option Description
[1]ON: Hardwired Zone 33 enabled. OFF: PGM1 Output enabled. Program Zone Definition or PGM option in Section [009]
[2]ON: Hardwired Zone 34 enabled. OFF: PGM2 Output enabled. Program Zone Definition or PGM option in Section [009]
[6]ON: Audible Exit Fault Enabled. If a delay zone is not secured correctly and not
system will go into entry delay and turn ON the bell output. OFF: Audible Exit Fault Disabled. The keypad will sound the entry delay through the keypad.
[7]ON: Event Buffer Follows Swinger Shutdown. The system will NOT log additional alarms for a zone that has reached the swinger
shutdown threshold. OFF: Event Buffer Logs Past Shutdown. All zone alarms will be logged.
[8]ON: Temporal Three Fire Signal Enabled. Temporal Three Fire Signal is used to annunciate fire alarms
(½ second ON, ½ second OFF, ½ second ON, ½ second OFF, ½ second ON, 1 ½ seconds OFF). OFF: Standard Pulsed Fire Signal. The system will pulse the bell output
(1 second ON, 1 second OFF).
Section [014] Second System Options
Option Description
[1]ON: Arm/Disarm Bell Squawk Enabled. The system squawks the bell output once when the system is armed, twice when disarmed
and 3 times when disarming with alarms in memory. OFF: Arm/Disarm Bell Squawk Disabled. The bell output does not activate.
[2]Future Use:
[3]ON: RF Jam Logs after 5 Minutes. The system logs an RF Jam trouble condition if the condition is present for 5 minutes. OFF: RF Jam Logs after 20 Seconds. The system logs the trouble condition after 20 seconds.
[4]ON: Aux Boost Enabled: When the system is in Power Save mode (AC Trouble) Aux+ output voltage is regulated 12VDC.
OFF: Aux Boost Disabled: Aux+ output voltage is not regulated.
[5]Future Use
[6]ON: Audible Exit with Urgency. The system will beep the keypad once every second, and 3 times a second during the last 10 seconds, during exit delay when the system is armed with a user code or armed in the Away mode.
OFF: Silent Exit Delay. The keypad will not beep.
[7]Future Use:
[8]ON: Fire Bell is Continuous. The bell output will not time out if a fire alarm occurs. The User must turn off the bell by entering a valid user code.
OFF: Fire Bell follows Bell
Section [015] Third System Options
Option Description
[1]ON: [F] Key Enabled. The keypad [F] fire emergency key will be enabled.
OFF: [F] Key Disabled. The keypad [F] fire emergency key will be disabled.
[2]ON: [P] Key Audible (Bell/Beeps). The keypad [P] panic emergency will generate 3 ack beeps and the bell will activate for the duration of the BTO or until a code is entered. (The keypad will display “system in alarm”.)
OFF: [P] Key Silent. The keypad [P] emergency key generate a silent panic alarm. The bell will not sound and the keypad will not display “system in alarm”.
[3]ON: Quick Exit Enabled. the Quick Exit feature will be enabled.
OFF: Quick Exit Disabled. the Quick Exit feature will be disabled.
[4] | ON: Quick Arming Enabled. The Quick Arming [ ][0] feature will be enabled. |
| OFF: Quick Arming Disabled. Quick Arming [ ][0] feature will be disabled. |
If this feature is disabled, a valid user code must be entered after the Stay or Away function buttons are pressed.
[5] | ON: Code Required for Bypassing. A valid user code must be entered after pressing [ ][1] to access the Bypass feature. |
| OFF: No Code Required. A user code is not required for bypassing. |
[6]Future Use
[7]ON: TLM Enabled. The system supervises the telephone line and displays a trouble if disconnected.
OFF: TLM Disabled. The telephone line is not supervised.