Digital Communications Interface 6
Returns the state of the temperature recording enable for the specified channel. Example: DAT:REC:FEED:TEMP1?
Response: 1
The TEMPerature suffix <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). A value of 1 is returned if temperature recording for the specified channel is enabled. A value of 0 is returned if temperature recording for the specified channel is disabled.
DATa:RECord:FEED:TEMPerature<num> <bool>
Sets the state of the temperature recording enable for the specified channel. Example: DAT:REC:FEED:TEMP1 0
The TEMPerature suffix <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). The <bool> parameter turns temperature recording for the specified channel on (1 or ON) or off (0 or OFF). This command may be password protected (see Password Commands).
Returns the recording memory usage. Example: DAT:REC:FREE? Response: 3282, 449070
The response indicates the number of bytes remaining and the number of bytes used, separated by a comma.
Returns the number of bytes of memory in the open set of data. Example: DAT:REC:OPEN?
Response: 1203
This command must be preceeded by the DATa:REC:OPEN command which is used to open a set of data using a date/time range. The response to this command indicates the number of unread bytes in the date/time range specified by the last DATa:RECord:OPEN command. If the response is 0, there are no readings stored in memory over the specified date/time range. Use the DATa:RECord:READ? command to read the data from memory.
Opens a set of data in memory over the specified date/time range for reading. Example: DAT:REC:OPEN 2003,9,15,0,0,0,2003,9,15,23,59,59
The first set of <year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, and <second> parameters indicate the “from” date and time of the block to open. This set of parameters is optional, but if specified, all parameters are required. If not specified, all data in memory is opened for reading. The second set of <year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, and <second> parameters may only be specified if the first set are specified, and indicate the “to” date and time of the block to open. This set of parameters is optional, but if specified, all parameters are required. If not specified, the “to” date and time default to