8.Nip the armor between two washers, and trim the excess armor from around washers. And then pass the shield between the clamping ring and the washer as shown below. Fasten the clamping ring with the screws.
Clamping ring
Rubber gasket (25B)
Signal cable entrance
9.Connect the signal cable to the terminal board TB801 and TB802 on the RFTB board 03P9349 by referring to the interconnection diagram. Keep “slack” in the coaxial wire to prevent breakage. Insert the cores (except coaxial wire) to the connector with the opener.
1.Insert opener.
2.Push opener.
3.Insert a core.
4.Release opener.
Clamp the coaxial wire with cable clamp on the board 03P9349 as shown below.
Clamp shield with bracket.
Tighten conductor with screw.
10. Bind cable cores with cable ties.