LAN 10

emptying 123

mouse 11

resizing 123

network 10

regulatory compliance 152

parallel 11


serial 11

5.25-inch device 50

USB 10

back top panel 28

video 10

bezel 28

POST, explained 21



hot-swap 36

button 20

SCA 36

button location 16


disabling power button 128

front top panel 29

indicator LED 16

memory 52

input specifications 162

system board 98

LED 20

top panel, back half 28

source problems 119

top panel, front half 29

supply specifications 161


uninterruptible supplies 120

adapter cards 76

Power menu, Setup utility 112

adapter cards, hot-plug 73

power supply, replacing 84

add-in cards 76

power-on self-test, explained 21

add-in cards, hot-plug 73

preventing static electricity 25

back top panel 33

printer, troubleshooting 137

backplane, hot-swap 40


battery 70

features 7, 61

bezel 34

heatsink 62, 65

control panel board 95

installing 65

CPU 62

replacing 62

drive bay indicator board 40

specifications 161

drive bay, hot-swap 40

speed 161

drive indicator board, hot-swap 40

troubleshooting 134



CD 45

system against power source

diskette 45

problems 119

preparing 35

the server from viruses 124

expansion cards 76


expansion cards, hot-plug 73

fan power distribution board 90


fans 89

see memory

fans, hot-plug 89

recovering the BIOS 116

front panel board 95

recovery mode, BIOS 116

front top panel 31

recovery, system 130

memory 52

Recycle Bin

PCI indicator board, hot-plug97

Index 167