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track. Audio insert editing places new audio over existing audio on the linear audio track. An important difference between Assembly Editing and Insert Editing is that with Insert Editing, you are editing onto a tape that already has material on it. In fact, you cannot perform an Insert Edit unless there is already control track on the target tape. In an Insert Edit, you are always laying down new video or linear audio over existing video and audio. You are replacing the old video and/or audio tracks. Because you are recording onto selected tracks of the VHS tape, and because each track has its own erase head which can erase old material with more precision than the full erase head which erases all three tracks at once, Insert Editing allows you to copy over old material smoothly, without glitches.
The 8mm/VHS
More Editing Tips
Recording your 8mm Tape
1.You will get the best quality VHS copies and the best Automatic Assembly edits if you record your 8mm tape at SP speed.
2.All camcorders have a slight delay before they actually begin recording video and audio. When recording your source videotape in an 8mm camcorder, be sure to check the start up delay associated with your particular camcorder. With caution, you can prevent losing the first few frames or lines of dialogue. On some camcorders, a red “tally” light is illuminated when the record process is actually underway. On others, you may experiment by taping someone counting aloud or by videotaping a stop watch. When you play the tape back, you will hear or see the count required before the camcorder actually begins recording. Use this count for future reference.
Video Enhancers
A video enhancer allows you to boost or attenuate the video signal. Most video enhancers have controls for “detail” and