Output Interface Mode
## = 00 - 99:
This command sets the output interface mode of the unit. Modes have fixed port activation logic defined by specific applications. Some activation parameters are programmable. Custom modes are available – contact Hand Held Products Technical Support. Modes included in standard SV Series are described in the "Output Interface Modes Descriptions" on page
Sync Type
Envelope sync
Edge sync
Envelope sync w/beam control - leading edge turns on laser, trailing edge turns off laser
Note: ~LP# sets polarity for Modes 2, 19, and 20 when ~LX2 is set.
Edge sync w/beam control - edge turns on beam, bar code exiting beam turns beam off
Note: Use ~LS02 setting for sync type ~LX3.
Set Number of Codes per Label (i.e., per sync period)
This command sets the exact number of codes to be read during a sync period.
##= the number of codes. For example: ~LZ02 causes a No Read condition to be set if exactly 2 bar codes are not fully decoded during a sync interval. This command can also be entered by scanning a bar code. See details in the ~LN## (page
This command overrides the ~LN## command if the number of codes set does not = 00. If ~LZ## is set to ~LZ00, the ~LN## command takes precedence.
Turn partials on and off at the decoder level for all symbologies.
Quick Check® SV Series User’s Guide | 6 - 17 |