HP 1020xi Fax, 1020 Fax manual Setting the FAX Ring, Silent

Models: 1020 Fax 1020xi Fax

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hp fax 1020 series

Setting the FAX Ring

If you have set the Answer Mode to FAX (“Setting the Answer Mode” on page 8), the product will answer the incoming call as a fax machine.

Important: You can answer this line as a telephone only if you answer before the HP fax.

Use this ￿￿￿￿function to choose:

￿￿￿￿￿￿whether the fax￿￿￿￿￿should ring audibly when a call is received

• the￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿number of rings before the fax machine answers

1Press Menu.

1:Fax Functions will display.

2Press 5.

5:Rings & Volume will display.

3Press Enter.

1:TAM/FAX Ring will display.

4Press 2.

2:FAX Ring will display.

5Press Enter.

Fax Ring will display.

6Press Enter.


* will display.


7 Use the arrow buttons (

) to choose whether you want the unit to

ring audibly when a call is received. The options are:

On (default)



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HP 1020xi Fax, 1020 Fax manual Setting the FAX Ring, Silent