Fax Functions

Sending a fax to multiple numbers

To send ￿￿￿￿a fax to a distribution list (also called a broadcast list), you must first have￿￿￿￿￿￿created that￿￿￿￿￿distribution list. See “Creating the broadcast list” on


1Place the document into the fax.

2Press Menu.

1:Fax Functions will display.

3Press Enter.

1:Send Fax Later will display.

4Press 2.

2:Broadcasting will display.

5Press Enter.

Cancel * will display.

6 Press the right arrow button ( ) to scroll to Send Now then press Enter.

The fax will be transmitted to everyone in the broadcast list.

&￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Repeat steps 2-6 above and select Cancel in step 6.


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HP 1020 Fax, 1020xi Fax manual Page20, Sending a fax to multiple numbers