troubleshooting information




possible cause and solution



I have difficulties

Make sure you have correctly connected the HP Officejet to the

when sending faxes

telephone wall jack, and correctly connected any additional

and when receiving

equipment and services that share the phone line with your


HP Officejet.


Use the 1-LINE port on the back of the HP Officejet to connect to


the wall jack, and use the 2-EXT port to connect any other


equipment, such as a PC modem or an answering machine. For


more information and connection diagrams, see fax setup on


page 91.


Using a telephone line splitter can cause faxing problems. (A


splitter is two-cord connector that plugs into a wall jack.) Try


removing the splitter and connecting the HP Officejet directly to the


telephone wall jack.


Check that the telephone wall jack has a working telephone line by


plugging in a phone and checking for a dial tone.


Telephone lines with poor sound quality (noise) can cause faxing


problems. Check the sound quality of the telephone line by


plugging a phone into the wall jack and listening for static or other


noise. If you hear noise, turn off the Error Correction Mode (ECM)


feature on your HP Officejet and try faxing again. For information,


see use error correction mode on page 49. Also contact your


phone company to report the noise problem on your line.


Other equipment using the same telephone line as the HP Officejet


might be in use. For example, you cannot use your HP Officejet for


faxing if an extension phone is off-hook, or if you are using your PC


modem to e-mail or access the Internet.


If you are using a digital subscriber line (DSL), make sure that you


have a DSL filter connected or you will not be able to fax


successfully. Obtain a DSL filter from your DSL provider. The DSL


filter removes the digital signal that blocks your HP Officejet from


communicating properly with the telephone line. For information on


how to connect the DSL filter, see faxing from a DSL line on


page 106.


Check for error messages on the front panel display of your


HP Officejet. Until a product error condition is resolved, you will not


be able to send or receive faxes. For information on resolving error


conditions, see the hp officejet 5500 series troubleshooting section


in the onscreen hp photo & imaging help that came with your




If you are using either a PBX or an ISDN converter, make sure the


HP Officejet is connected to the port that is designated for fax and


phone use.


Note that some ISDN systems allow you to configure the ports for


specific phone equipment—for example, you might have assigned


one for telephone and Group 3 fax and another for multiple


purposes. If you continue to have problems when connected to the


fax/phone port, try using the port designated for multiple purposes


(might be labeled “multi-combi” or something similar).


reference guide