minutes after power fails that the management module should wait before starting to shut down the load segment. Enter a shorter delay for load segments that power less critical equipment to preserve UPS battery power for other load segments. The total time needed to gracefully shut down the load segment is equal to the shutdown delay plus the number of minutes required to shut down the operating system.
CAUTION: Selecting this option might result in an ungraceful shutdown. The amount of remaining runtime cannot be accurately predicted after a low battery warning is issued.
2.Enter the amount of time to wait before restarting the attached device in the Restart Settings column. This option allows utility power to stabilize and disks in shared storage configurations to spin up before the server restarts.
3.Do one of the following:
oClick Save Settings to save the information.
oClick Refresh Page to cancel changes and restore the page settings to the last saved configuration.
oClick Help to view online help.
Advanced power fail settings
1.Click the Advanced tab on the Power Fail screen to display the advanced settings.
2.Select one of the three radio buttons in the Shutdown Settings field, and then enter the shutdown delay, if applicable.
3.Deselect the Low Battery checkbox, or select the Low Battery checkbox and enter a shutdown delay. The following matrix describes the possible combinations.
| Low | Low |