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ColorSmart: Automatic vs. Manual Printing
In most cases the best print output is obtained by choosing Automatic ColorSmart printing. In automatic mode, the printer driver analyzes each element in a document to provide the best color output.
If the color output obtained using the Automatic ColorSmart option is not satisfactory, use the Manual option.
The Manual ColorSmart Options dialog box provides control over Intensity, Color Control, and Halftoning.
The Intensity slider bar adjusts the amount of ink applied to the paper— Darker means more ink, Lighter means less ink.
Color Control offers two options: Vivid (Color) and Match (Screen). To print the document so it looks like it looks on the computer screen, choose Match. To make the colors of the printed output brighter and more vivid than they appear on the screen, choose Vivid.
Halftoning describes how the driver places individual drops of ink on the page to reproduce different shades of the same color. Scatter halftoning, the default setting, usually gives the best results. Pattern halftoning applies different patterns of dots for different shades of a color.