HP De s k J e t 6 9 0 C S e rie s P rin t e rs | O p t imiz in g P e rf o rman c e |
Optimizing Performance
The print speed and overall performance of HP DeskJet 690C series printers can be affected by several things:
The amount of RAM can determine how fast documents are sent to the printer. Increasing RAM can speed up this process as well as make the computer work more efficiently at other things beside printing.
The size and complexity of the documents printed can make a difference in the printer's performance. Graphics are usually more complex - especially color graphics - and print more slowly than text.
The processing speed of the computer will determine how fast a document is sent to the printer. For example, a computer with a 486 processor runs faster than a computer with a 386 processor.
Running numerous software programs at one time slows down printing; each open program uses RAM. Therefore, limit the number of programs or documents open at one time.
Screen fonts are stored in RAM, which means they use up memory that the printer may need in order to print. Delete screen fonts or printer fonts that are not needed.
Using On-line Help
Printer | Software | Help |
Type of | help: | Provides: | How to access/where to find: |
HP DeskJet Toolbox | Tutorials and | Click on the icon on the desktop, or in | |
| troubleshooting for common | the Program group. |
| print tasks and problems |
Error Message Help | Comprehensive context | Button available on most popup error | |
| sensitive information | messages. |
| designed for error recovery. |
| |
Print Settings Help | Information to help you make | Click the help button for any tab in the | |
| print settings choices. | HP print settings dialog box. |
Release Notes | From the Program Utilities: select HP | ||
| specific conflicts. | DeskJet 690C Release Notes. |